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The Everlasting Word

The Bible is the living bread of Earth and the foundation to everything in existence. It is the message from God Our Father and it is a text that needs no addition or edits. And was written by man under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

The Trinity

There is one God who exist simultaneously in three forms: God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit the Comforter. Although each function in a different capacity all are equal in power and authority.


Man exist eternally and shall after the end of their physical life. At the end of their earthly life man shall either live in Heaven or Hell. Heaven is the eternal union with God as Hell is the eternal separation from God. 


It is through the personal belief of Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection that one can be saved. It is a gift from God that can only be earned from him.

The Church

The church is a local community of baptized believers unified through Jesus Christ. It shows love and compassion while also teaching and preaching the Word of God. It is a safe haven for the weary and a hospital for the sick. 

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